Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Murder of Abortionist George Tiller

As many of you know, recently, famous abortionist George Tiller, who performed late-term abortions and trained others to do so, was violently murdered in his church. When I heard this news, I was deeply grieved. We had a conference at ZHOP about a year ago where Matt Lockett from Bound4Life (the people with the red tape on their mouths) spoke. One of his messages was entitled "With Malice Toward None." He said that God not only cares that we fight to end abortion, but He cares about how we fight to end abortion. Violence cannot be justified for violence. He spoke about pro-lifers being so enraged as to bomb clinics and kill abortion doctors, but he took it beyond the actual act of violence and murder. He addressed the heart, which is what Jesus addresses in Matthew 5, that if you are even angry with your brother you have committed murder against him. He said, "We may never pick up a gun, but if we harbor malice, anger, hate, we've actually pulled the trigger in our hearts. Anger progresses to malice progresses to murder, and the later we interrupt the process, the more humiliating it is." If violent sentiments in the heart are not brought before the Lord in repentance, you not only become guilty in His eyes but also capable of such an act as shooting a man in church. This case is an example of the justice of man - man taking vengeance into his own hands. Vengeance is the Lord's, and He will avenge the blood of the babies and judge their cause. This is clear in His Word, as He is the defender of the innocent and voiceless, and He will judge wicked systems and wicked men. And both of these men will face the Judge and give account to Him. Our job is to pray for justice, speak the truth in boldness, and love anyone and everyone until they come to Jesus. No one is beyond salvation; no hard heart is to difficult for God. Matt Lockett also spoke of a dear friend of his who was an abortino doctor before meeting Jesus. She described the incredible deception one is under in this industry, truly believing you are helping women, when in reality you're subjecting them to years of emotional trauma and guilt. Thankfully, she was able to repent before someone had the chance to shoot her. George Tiller had this opportunity too, but this opportunity should last a lifetime (or as long as one has before Jesus returns), and it didn't in his case.

I know a family in Kansas City who has prayed in front of George Tiller's clinic and sought to close it down for 10 years. They wept when they found out what happened. This is the heart of God - to pray for justice and weep over the atrocity of babies being killed, as He does, to cry out for the salvation of the abortionists, and weep over such cases as George Tiller's, as He does. We must understand the heart of God - 100% just and 100% merciful. We must see who Jesus is through His word and make every effort to align our hearts with this reality. There is no other way forward, and no hope otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Irina! It's been a while. I'm happy to see evidence of God's grace and work in your life fromo this post and your profile description of your future dreams. I have similar dreams when it comes do adoption and reaching out to the poor. I'm in pharmacy school right now so I can't go to the Middle East, but hopefully in a couple of years my medical skills will open doors to minister in other countries.
