Saturday, May 1, 2010

i'm exhausted, but this is not about that

i am exhausted today. it's mostly because i woke up at 4am to talk to a dear friend on the phone, which is a great reason to be exhausted. it was a wonderful, encouraging, uplifting conversation, and i am so so grateful for her. i love how i can be miles away, with time zones and bad phone connections in between, but when i talk to my friends, it's like we haven't skipped a beat. praise the Lord who is the one who knits us together with His unbreakable thread.

i'm also exhausted because after i finished my morning time with Jesus (which, may i add, was very slack because i kept falling asleep), and was preparing to wash up and get my "to do" list done, one of our boys runs up and says "Alex can't walk. His entire leg is swollen and he's in a ton of pain." i had taken Alex to the clinic a few days ago and he'd been prescribed antibiotics for a small wound below his knee that had gotten badly infected. the antibiotics didn't work, and his leg was huge and there were lumps all over his calf.

this isn't a story about exhaustion, but about how Jesus comes to my rescue. i could not take Alex on the motorbike; he was in too much pain to straddle it. i had never driven our Land Rover before. even though i obviously know how to drive, trying to navigate this stick shift car with terrible breaks and the wheel on the right side on these terrible roads with 2-foot ditches and holes, not to mention people, goats, cattle, and bikes milling around in no apparent orderly fashion everywhere....this is truly a feat to be accomplished. but there was no one else to drive, and he had to be taken right then. i had no choice. i went into the house to grab the keys, stopped, and prayed. "Jesus, help." and He did. we got there and back safe and sound. Alex is gonna be just fine.

here, an incident can happen instantly, and i don't have time to think about how i don't know what to do or can't do it. i have to make a decision right there and then, and i have to act even though i don't have a clue what i'm doing/have never done it before, and trust that God is giving me the wisdom and ability to do it in that moment. today, i had no choice but to jump out of the boat and hope that Jesus would enable me to walk on the water. He did, and it was supernaturally amazing.


  1. Love this. You are such an inspiration. I'm so glad to see God move in you!

  2. aww i love this :) i think this is the same comment i have for every single post. haha. but it is true every time i write it! love you :)

  3. Alex Data or Alex Modi? Poor kid.

    Praise Jesus you and Lemonade made it there and back! :)

    Love you, Irina!

  4. which friend did you talk to?? i am so curious!
