Saturday, May 29, 2010

how God speaks to our kids

last night, the older kids and i gathered together to worship, like we do every Friday. i have taught them to sing from their hearts to Jesus, not known worship songs, but a love song from their heart, whatever comes out, to sing by the Spirit. we've had some great times with God doing this, where the Spirit has really come. we've had other times that were dry, and i could tell the religious spirit that oppresses this nation was cropping up. but even so, we keep going. last night, i felt the Lord's presence like a weighty cloud sitting on me. it's my most favorite feeling in the world. after we worshiped together for a while, i went around the room and asked the kids what the Lord spoke/showed them. i loved what they shared. Edward (18) saw Jesus holding his heart and embracing him. Kizito (23) felt a spirit of thanksgiving. He was remembering his life before Iris Ministries, before Jesus, and thought about how many children don't have food, clothes, education. He was so thankful that God chose him to receive these things. the Holy Spirit brought to Safari's (20) mind a time when he was tempted by the enemy to drink alcohol. it was a strong temptation and he was struggling to resist it. when he prayed, it went away instantly. this night, God showed him what happened in the spirit in that moment. He saw himself and Satan, and Jesus was standing in between, protecting him. Justin (25) was moved to pray for protection for our compound and our children.

i love that God speaks to our kids. i love that they know Him and know He is real and alive. i pray for increase, for enrapture with Jesus. i want them to be caught up for hours and day. i believe it can happen


  1. Irina, I love this. Thanks for sharing. I am reading Michele Perry's book right now. Awesome!!!

  2. Yay- thanks for this update, Irina!!! LOVE YOU and miss you guys... Excited to be coming home soon... :/
