Friday, February 12, 2010

things that make me laugh

here is a sample of Sudanese worship music, 2 of my favorite (hilarious) songs:

1 - "Shake shake shake shake the devil off" (repeat forever)

2 - "Your boyfriend can let you down
Your girlfriend can let you down
The men of this world can let you down but Jesus never fails" (this one cracks me up!)

also, the very small children never wear underwear or diapers (these are practically unheard of) and rarely wear pants, skirts, or really any type of clothing below the waist. twice now when i've held 2 of them on my lap, they've pooped on me, or just wiped themselves on me from previous poops. hahaha! i love the mission field...


  1. I think that as you go into another culture you should be careful how you speak about them. There are many poor people in the world who can't afford diapers or nappies for their kids. I think you should be careful about how you talk about the poorest of the poor because we could have as well be in a similar situation...

  2. do not mock the way other people worship. Yes, it is different but that does not make yours the right way of worship. Why are you there? just making fun of the people... they are poor so what? stay in the US and go to one of the states where the ammenities are good, dont go to a poor country and then mock their life. They did not ask to be born in that country. I think you should evaluate your motives. Most of the updates you write are just mocking the people in that village.

  3. hehehee! irina, i'd be cracking up too! :) ur heart shows through always.
    and i love that you can LAUGH at the babies pooping on you!!! now THAT is love! xoxo

  4. Hi Irina, I don't think you were mocking them at all. I love your writings and your heart! Praying for you and much love from the Lacy's!

  5. Irina, you love people and Jesus. I would love to see how your critics respond to getting pooped on themselves. You are awesome and challenge us all in proving the 1st commandment, by radically daring to do the 2nd in the nations of the earth! Keep on, keepin on! :)

  6. hahahahaha, that is so hilarious! cracking me up too! love you! : )

  7. never mind those comments! those who know your heart know how you mean it- and the Lord too! : )

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. we miss you irina! and they are right, dont worry about those comments, we know your heart! - and more importantly, the Lord does, too!

  10. Thanks for sharing, Irina. Praise God for your willingness to go into Sudan and love the people there no matter how different things are. I pray that God continues to use you in greater and greater ways as you display His love to the Sudanese. You're amazing!

  11. Haha, Irina, I love your blog! You're so amazing - and take joy from so much. And I didn't get a mocking vibe whatsoever from this post...just wanted to let you know!
