Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Irina's Top 10 Reading List

(in no particular order)

1. "The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting" by Mahesh Chavda; this book opened my eyes to the power of fasting and spurred me on into this part of the Christian walk

2. "Visions Beyond the Veil" - by H.A. Baker; it will take you about 2 hours to read. the author was Rolland Baker's grandfather who operated an orphanage in China in the 1920s. these beggars and street kids, the "bad" ones of society, were profoundly visited by the Holy Spirit and experienced distinct and vivid vision of heaven, hell, angels, demons, sin, redemption, and the age to come. the impact was powerful transformation resulting in power evangelism, preaching of the gospel, and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit on the streets. some of the children were as young as 5.

3. "Always Enough" - by Heidi and Rolland Baker; Rolland is H.A.'s grandson, and him and his wife continue in the spiritual heritage of his grandfather in Mozambique. coming to this nation in 1995, the Lord has released a mighty move of His Spirit through their ministry - 7,000 churches planted in Mozambique, 6,000 children adopted, and tens of mission bases planted in other nations. this book is about God's provision among the poorest children on earth. it wrecked me with the truth that God dwells among the lowly and brokenhearted.

4. "Rees Howells: Intercessor" - By Norman Grubb; a phenomenal biography about the power of intercession, and the reality that all God needs is one man/woman to say yes to Him to impact the earth for Him. reading it taught me that prayer is the most powerful tool we have and if we want to move mountains and be effective in expanding the Kingdom, we must become intercessors. this man's simple obedience to the Spirit in prayer not only ushered in salvations, but altered the course of entire nations in WWII.

5. "Seven Longings of the Human Heart" - by Mike Bickle; i must confess i have never read this one (those who know me well know i am infamous for recommending books i've never read, movies i'v never seen, and places i've never visited) but i hear it's good! it's about, well...7 longing of the human heart :)

6. "Listen to Me, Satan!" - Carlos Anacondia; one of the most amazing books on the deliverance ministry i've ever read. this guy led revivals in Argentina for years, an ordinary business man dramatically saved and anointed with power for deliverance, his ministry marked by his humility. his signature move was to get on stage and shout "Listen to Me Satan!!!" and people all over the stadium would begin manifesting demons, taken to deliverance tents where they received ministry for as long as 6-8 hours. some of the most incredible testimonies i've ever heard are found in this book, firsthand accounts from the mouths of those who were delivered.

7. "Extreme Devotion" - by various; a daily devotional from the Voice of the Martyrs (persecution.com), 365 accounts of martyrs and those who loved Jesus no matter what the cost throughout history. this book will wreck you with how worthy He is of everything and with the reality that when we truly count the cost and count all things a loss, we will find a joy and glory that surpasses anything we could experience otherwise. plus it will give you a burden to pray for the persecuted church.

8. "Tortured for Christ" - by Richard Wurmbrand; along the same lines, this man started the organization Voice of the Martyrs. he was in Roman communist prisons for 14 years for the gospel, his wife confined for 3 years. he experienced intense persecution, but tapped into a beautiful joy and presence of Jesus in that place of suffering.

9. "Humility" - by Andrew Murray; a classic, written in the 1800s, about humility as the path towards holiness. he offers profound insight into what humility is and is not, and about how it is the chief and foundational characteristic of who Jesus is pre-incarnation, as a man on earth, and now as God in heaven. i've felt tears well up in my eyes as i've been reading, feeling the reality of the beautiful humility of Jesus and His ministry, and it's created a deep longing in my heart for His humility, knowing that this is who He is, the meek and lowly One, and to be this is to be conformed to His likeness

10. "Peace Child" - by Don Richardson; a beautiful book about one man's zeal to reach an unreached, cannibalistic tribe of the Amazon rainforest who honored treachery and rewarded betrayal (in essence revering Judas as the hero in the story). it's remarkable how this man is able to preach to these people about Jesus. this book convinced me that God has placed the imprint of the Gospel story (God becoming a child and being offered by His Father as a sacrifice for sin) into every cultural group and tribe, no matter how wicked their culture and practices. the imprint of the Gospel is there, and missionaries must get to know the culture of those they minister to in order to find it and present the Gospel to them in the peoples' own context.

let me know if you read any of these :)


  1. Yay, thanks for the recommendations! I especially plan to read 1-7, and 9, wait actually all of them :) I actually have #8 but haven't read it yet. And #5 is actually on the IHOP free resources page and the whole book can be downloaded for free in PDF form! I glanced through it and it seems *really* good.

    This is perfect, especially going into Christmas break :)

    Love you, Irina! I'll be praying for you as you prepare for transition. Yay, it's finally here! :)

  2. Irina - Think I've read all but Mike Bickle's book! These are all some of my faves too. We need to be wrecked for ordinary things. Blessings.
