Friday, November 6, 2009

"edge of hell" outreaches

every friday and saturday in October, IHOP's evangelism ministry does outreach at haunted houses downtown. apparently, kansas city is famous for its haunted houses - not the best thing to be famous for. whoever wants to come is welcome, i went last weekend both nights. there are 2 haunted houses in this one section of the city called "The Beast" and "The Edge of Hell" (I shudder at the names, especially the beast as this is one of the names for the anti-Christ). it was the creepiest section of any city i have ever seen. not scary like in a bad-part-of-town way, just creepy. all the stores and buildings looked abandoned and closed, there were these railroad tracks and this huge stone bridge and it all just looked creepy and spiritually dark. the lines at these haunted houses were huge, people waiting for 2 hours to get in in 40 degree cold. we went and stood in line with people and talked to them about Jesus, and would get out of line when done and go to the back and talk to a new group. it was probably the easiest evangelism i have ever done. i've always understood the connection between prayer and evangelism - that prayer makes evangelism more effective, really makes everything more effective. but for the first time it became very clear how having a house of prayer in a city impacts that city's spiritual climate and i understood why a house of prayer is necessary. ihop has been praying in kansas city for 25 years (the past 10 of which have been 24/7) and the spiritual climate of the city has really been altered to where people are much more open to the gospel. This is one of the things prayer does - it softens hearts to Jesus and prepares the heart to receive Him when He is preached. I evangelized for about 2 hours both nights and I have never experienced people being so genuinely interested in Jesus. People engaged me in conversation, asked questions, sincerely wanting to know the truth and understand, not just for purpose of debate. Several people were getting convicted of their sin and the words I spoke about the love of Christ were hitting their hearts, I could see it in their eyes and countenances. 2 people actually thanked me for talking to them! that is very rare. i found myself able to be very truthful and honest - how Jesus is the only way, heaven and hell are real, and the cost of following Christ. And people actually received it! There were only 2 groups of people that got mad and were volatile, and we just blessed them. Most of my times evangelizing, it has been 2 people that have been open and the rest angry and belligerent.

it makes a lot of sense now why there must be continual prayer and worship in every city on the earth. if this is the fruit of 25 years of prayer in kansas city, give it another 10 years, and believers will be able to preach the simple gospel in the streets and people will be convicted and repent and mourn for their sins on the spot. this is the explosion of power and anointing that is coming upon the end-time church, the Holy Spirit outpouring that we're all waiting for, the Great Harvest. and it is birthed out of night and day prayer.

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